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By Published On: December 2nd, 2022Categories: Legislative Update, State Updates

In case you missed it, LeSar Development Consultants published a comprehensive report on the many housing measures throughout the State on November’s ballot. Read More for a summary of significant measures were approved by voters:

  • Voters in the City of Los Angeles said yes to a new transfer tax on real estate valued at more than $5 billion, which is expected to result in more than $923 million annually for new affordable housing production and homelessness prevention.
  • Oakland voters said yes to a bond measure that will provide $350 million for the construction and preservation of interim and permanent affordable housing.
  • In Santa Monica, voters approved a new transfer tax that is expected to raise an estimated $50 million annually for affordable housing.  
  • In San Francisco, a new tax on homes vacant for more than 182 days in a calendar year was approved, which is expected to raise $20 – 37 million annually for rent subsidies and affordable housing.

Check out more election news here.

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