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By Published On: March 16th, 2022Categories: Affordable Housing, Fair Housing, Legislative Update, Federal Updates

On Friday, February 25th, U.S. Senator Alex Padilla visited Sacramento to unveil a new federal housing and homeless bill—the Housing for All Act of 2022—that seeks to address housing insecurity with a significant new investment of federal funding. In total, the bill would invest more than $530 billion over a 10-year period to combat homelessness and increase and improve the affordable housing stock. It is expected that Representative Ted Lieu (Torrance, CA) will introduce a companion bill in the House.

Proposed investments include $45 billion for the Housing Trust Fund, $500 million for Emergency Solutions Grants, and $500 million for adaptive reuse of commercial spaces.

This investment is significantly greater than the funding included in the President’s Build Back Better Act, which has struggled to get the votes needed in the polarized Senate. Senator Padilla spoke at a morning press conference and acknowledged that getting the bill through Congress would be a challenge. However, he stated that he was looking at a number of ways to get the needed votes, including moving parts of the bill forward separately. LeSar will provide more information about this new bill as more becomes available.

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