State HCD Announcements
HCD Announces a new California Housing Preservation Portal
The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) recently announced the availability of a California Housing Preservation Portal (CaHPP), which makes it easier for owners of multifamily developments funded under specified programs to register their properties and comply with Preservation Notice Law reporting requirements. The law applies to developments with five or more units with a minimum of 25% affordability.
HCD Releases New Map Layer for Racially Concentrated Areas of Affluence
HCD released a new map layer in its interactive Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Data Viewer that jurisdictions can use in their analysis of racially concentrated areas of poverty and affluence as required by Assembly Bills 686 and 1304. According to HCD, Racially Concentrated Areas of Affluence (RCAAs) were “originally developed by scholars at the University of Minnesota to illustrate the flip side of the Racially and Ethnically Concentrated Areas of Poverty metric used by HUD in the 2015 AFFH rule and to tell the story of segregation more fully.” This new version has been adjusted to better account for California’s diversity and regional conditions.
HCD Releases Surplus Land Technical Assistance Materials
Recent law has strengthened California Surplus Land requirements for jurisdictions. HCD has compiled helpful information to guide local agencies as they consider disposing of surplus property. Check out the guidance here:
- Public Lands for Affordable Development Webpage
- PowerPoint presentation describing how HCD is implementing the Surplus Land Act
- User guide with flow charts that describes exemptions from the Act
- List of common questions and answers
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